The Oregon State Marine Board will hold its quarterly meeting on Wednesday, April 26, beginning at 8:30 am. The meeting will be held at the agency’s office, 435 Commercial Street NE, suite 400, in Salem, and streamed via Microsoft Teams. Agenda items include: Executive Session ORS 192.660(2)(h); Director’s Agency Report; Presentation by OSU Graduate Student Alyssa Garcia on recreational paddling and aquatic invasive species; Waterway Access Program Update; Registration Program Update. Public comments for this meeting will be accepted in writing or by attending the public comment portion of the virtual meeting. To provide oral testimony, register with Jennifer Cooper no later than 5 pm on April 23, 2023. Public comments will also be accepted in writing until the end of the day on April 23, 2023. Register to speak or send written comments to or by U.S. Mail to Oregon State Marine Board, Attn: Jennifer Cooper, 435 Commercial St NE Ste 400 Salem, OR 97301. Representatives of the news media and designated staff shall be allowed to attend the executive session. All other members of the audience will not be allowed in the room. Representatives of the news media are specifically directed not to report on or otherwise disclose any of the deliberations or anything said about these subjects during the executive session, except to state the general subject of the session as previously announced. To view the agenda, Board materials, and for a link to the meeting live stream, visit the agency’s Public Meetings page. Meetings are conducted using Microsoft Teams and viewing may require the installation of a free Teams app for mobile devices.