The Oregon State Marine Board will meet in West Linn on January 12, 2017 for their quarterly Board meeting. The meeting will be held in the Grand Fir Room at the West Linn Adult Community Center, 1180 Rosemont, in West Linn, beginning at 8:30 am. The Board will consider the following agenda items: * Contract terms for the Duckworth Dock in Downtown Portland; * Reconsider the petition decision for rulemaking on the Lower Willamette River; * Consideration of a petition for rulemaking for boat operations in Clatsop County; * Presentation: Sea Grant Clean Vessel Act outreach training videos; * Boating Facility Grant –Klamath County, Wocus Bay; * Program reports; * Strategic plan report. The meeting is accessible for persons with disabilities. For a communication aid request or agenda questions, please contact June LeTarte, Executive Assistant, at 503-378-2617 by Monday, January 9. The Board will accept public comment during the designated period at the beginning of the meeting on only those agenda items which did not have a pre-noticed comment closing date. To view the agenda and staff report, visit