The Marine Board wants to hear from boaters about its Cycle One grant applications and how the boating dollars are invested. The deadline to review applications and provide comments is April 17, 2023. The Marine Board’s Boating Facility Program received 10 grant applications for its Cycle One funding opportunity, requesting $5.4 million in needs, with a total application value of $9.6 million in motorized and nonmotorized funding. These grants are for the improvement or development of motorized and nonmotorized boating facilities, education, and on-water boating experiences for people in underserved communities. The Marine Board anticipates having $2.2 million in state funding available in its Cycle One grants for motorized and nonmotorized projects. Applicants are requesting nearly double the amount of funding available, so competition is high. Public comments are an important part of the grant application evaluation process and will be provided to the Marine Board prior to its June 28 Board meeting to consider the applications. Applications for Cycle One motorized and nonmotorized funding closed on March 13. The Boating Facility Program conducts two additional grant funding opportunities during the two-year budget cycle. If you did not see an application for your favorite boating facility, we encourage you to contact the facility owner, share your ideas, and ask how you can help support any future grant requests. Visit the Boating Facility Grant Application Comment Page to view the project applications and provide feedback.