Memorial Day Message Sen. Roblan, May 29

Dear Friends and Neighbors, As Memorial Day approaches, I want to take a moment to honor the men and women who have died while serving our country.  To all our service men and women and their families who have sacrificed to serve our country, I say: Thank you. Legislation that is being considered in the 2017 Legislative Session that support our veterans include: SB 116 A– Relating to military special access programs. Requires State Forester to make any recreational opportunities in state forests free for disabled veterans and for persons who are on leave from military active duty on certain holidays.  SB 573– Encourages Oregonians to honor and remember those who have given their lives in military service in war at noon on 21st day of each month.  SB 992– Designates third Friday in September of every year to be Oregon POW/MIA Recognition Day.  SB 993– Designates August 7 of each year as Oregon Purple Heart Recognition Day.  I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished to-date, but there is always more to do. To honor the service of the brave men and women who serve and protect the U.S. year-round, here are a few ways you can show your appreciation – or just lend a helping hand – right here in Oregon:  Volunteer at your local VA center. As just one example, the VA Medical Center in Portland is always looking for volunteer van drivers, guest shuttle drivers and office assistant volunteers to help at various campuses. Looking up your local VA Medical Center and asking how you can lend a hand can make a big difference.  Join the Soldiers’ Angels “Adopt a Veteran” program and commit to send one letter a week and one care package a month to a soldier deployed overseas. Members of the Adopt a Veteran team provide moral support and small gifts for returning heroes.  Say thank you. Thanking a veteran for their service is a simple way to show your gratitude, and it can mean a lot to someone who has served.  Donate your old cellphone. Instead of stashing your old cellphone in a drawer, donate it to Cell Phones for Soldiers, an organization that donates one hour of talk time for troops overseas for each cellphone donated.  Thank you for joining me this month in honoring the men and women we have lost and supporting our veterans and their service to our country.