The memorial service for Seaside Sgt. Jason Goodding will be held this Friday, February 12, at the Seaside Convention Center located at 415 First Avenue in the City of Seaside. The start time is 1:00 p.m. and the public is invited to attend. Additional venues will be be identified in case the convention center reaches capacity. In that case, the event will be simulcast for the public at those additional venues. The service will be preceded by a law enforcement procession that will wind through the streets of Seaside ending at the convention center. The public is encouraged to stand on the route to show their support for Sgt. Goodding’s family, who will be riding in the procession. Details of the route will be announced later this week, along with potential overflow venues where the service will be broadcasted. Media will be given detailed instructions on where to park and a schedule of the planned events. Because of the limited seating in the main venue, Media will be requested to establish a pool camera to video the event.We are requesting that all media reports include a link to the site where all donations to the Goodding family should be directed. There have been several donation sites passed around, but there is only one site that has been vetted and guarantees 100% of the donations go to the family. That site is “”