MHS Theatre Company Presentation, Nov. 11

12 Angry Jurors, Adapted by Sherman Sergel, November 20, 21, 22 @ 7pm in the Drama Lab at Marshfield High School, Students/Seniors $5, Adults $8, (Pre-sale tickets are available, limited seating: Call 541.269.6668 or email (Ad sales are also available in our playbooks for the entire school year season 2014-2015 please call or email for more information: Call 541.269.6668 or email We have a fabulous cast of experienced and novice actors from our program this year who have been working hard since September to get this production up and running! Our fabulous wood shop crew has yet again assisted us with the set and many others have been working hard to get the Drama Lab in tip-top shape to create two wonderful performing spaces on the MHS campus again. Come join us for the first production of the season and the first in the Drama Lab in 4 years! If you know anyone else that should be receiving this information, please forward it along and let me know their email address so I can keep them informed about our upcoming events!