Coos County Search and Rescue was joined late Tuesday afternoon by members from Douglas County SAR as they continued the search for missing hunter, 33 year old Lloyd Sinclair of Gold Hill, Oregon. Mr. Sinclair has been missing since about 6:20 PM Monday evening. Major search efforts were scaled back at about 7:00 PM Tuesday night, but resumed at 8:00 am this Wednesday morning. A request for CORSAR (California / Oregon Search and Rescue) activation was made and search teams from Southwestern Oregon and Northern California were expected. At about 1130 hours Wednesday morning, searchers located Lloyd Sinclair near the area he was last known to be. Medics and search personnel are still extracting Mr. Sinclair who is believed to have suffered injuries to his shoulder and knee. More information will be released after Mr. Sinclair is debriefed by the search coordinator.