*UPDATE* – 01/27/24 – Stone’s pickup was located Saturday approximately 12 miles up Layng Creek Road behind miles of downed timber. Evidence indicates his vehicle became stuck and he continued on foot. Sheriff’s Search & Rescue (SAR), Detectives, Patrol Deputies, and friends and family searched miles of roads in the area surrounding Stone’s residence since he went missing. Additionally, outside agencies assisted with checking Stone’s other properties throughout the state. As other areas were narrowed down, the focus became Layng Creek Road. SAR volunteers worked on sawing through downed trees on Friday until dark. Saturday, friends and family continued working saws up the road, ultimately locating Stone’s pickup and notifying the Sheriff’s Office. SAR conducted ground search operations, and plan to continue searching, including the use of SAR K9 teams, until he is found. The Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the many volunteers, friends, and family that have assisted on this case. Part of original release – The Lane County Sheriff’s Office is looking for 80-year-old Donald Ray Stone. Stone was last seen on January 11th, and was believed to be driving from Cottage Grove to his home on Row River Road.