WHAT: The North Bend Public Library is offering a monthly STEM group for children ages 8-12 called “Explore and Experiment.” This monthly group will investigate STEM concepts using experiments, discussion, and problem-solving. This month, participants will explore simple machines by constructing a claw machine using paper cups and a straw. Registration is required. To register, please go to https://forms.office.com/r/qYKic6K6xd. WHEN: Explore and Experiment is held the first Monday of every month at 4:00 PM, starting February 5. WHERE: This event will be held in the Meeting Room at the North Bend Public Library. WHO: Explore and Experiment is a monthly STEM group for ages 8-12. CONTACT: For more information, visit www.northbendlibrary.org or call (541) 756-0400.