NBPL release – “Memory Café Coos” will meet the first Wednesday of every month from 10:30-12:00 PM, starting on Wednesday, August 2 at the North Bend Public Library. A memory café is an informal social gathering for older adults living with memory loss and their care partners. Care partners may include but are not limited to spouses, siblings, children, or friends, whose social lives are often just as affected as their loved ones. Memory cafés are designed to be a casual, stress-free gathering to allow care partners the opportunity to relax and socialize with others in their same situation. “Memory Café Coos” will be staffed by qualified healthcare providers (LCSW), library staff, and volunteers. The Café will provide a safe, supportive space where activities are not dependent on flawless memories. Care partners can be with their loved one and socialize in a judgement free, comfortable environment. Coffee and snacks will be provided, and there is no cost to attend. However, this is not a care facility, and care partners are required to accompany their partners. This pilot project is funded by an Elder Service Innovation Grant from OHSU’s Office of Oregon Rural Health grant. The project is the work of Drea Douglas (North Bend Public Library), Kelli Bosak (North Bend Medical Center), and Lualhati Anderson (Oregon Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative). They hope to find community partners who will host cafés as well, with a goal of having a weekly memory café in Coos and Curry Counties. For more information about this program, contact the library at (541) 756-0400 or email memorycafecoos@gmail.com.