More Retention Options North of Cape Falcon, Sept. 8

Two new rules took effect Saturday, Sept. 6 which will allow anglers more flexibility to reach their daily bag limit of two salmon in ocean waters between Leadbetter Point in Wash. and Cape Falcon on the North Oregon Coast. The first change will allow retention of non fin-clipped coho. The second rule change will eliminate the sublimit on Chinook salmon and allow anglers to keep two Chinook. While the daily bag limit remains two salmon, these changes will allow anglers to keep two adult coho or two Chinook salmon (or one of each) with or without a clipped fin. Anglers are reminded that it is always illegal to be fishing in an area with a prohibited fish in possession, so anglers with a legally caught unclipped ocean coho or Chinook are not allowed to continue fishing in the Columbia River, where it is currently closed to Chinook and only fin-clipped fish can be retained. The season in this area remains open through the earlier of Sept. 30 or the remaining Chinook guideline of 2,970 or the revised non selective coho quota of 6,400.