OR State Marine Board release – The Oregon State Marine Board will be mailing reminder notices to boaters whose motorboat registrations are expired and electronically to boat owners with emails on file. Each renewal notice is unique to the owner and their boat and are encouraged to take advantage of the online renewal option. As in years past, the agency is partnering with the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation where a random sampling of boaters with lapsed registrations will receive a reminder notice mailed directly from RBFF. Any watercraft with a motor or sailboats 12 feet or longer are required to title and register with the Marine Board. Motorboat registration fees are $5 plus $5.95 per foot and are issued on a 2-year calendar basis. Renewing online using the Marine Board’s Boat Oregon Store is the fastest method, offering a printable temporary permit to go boating right away. Owners can renew multiple boats or purchase Waterway Access Permits in one transaction with a $1.50 portal provider fee. The registration decals are mailed within 7-10 business days. Don’t delay renewing and avoid the summer rush where processing timelines become longer. Revenue from motorboat registrations goes back to boaters. The Marine Board is directly funded by boaters in the form of registration, title, and permit fees, as well as marine fuel taxes. No lottery, general fund tax dollars or local facility parking fees support the agency or its programs. Revenue goes back to boaters in the form of grants for boating facility access, grants for on-water opportunities for paddlers, contracts for marine law enforcement services, safety education, and environmental stewardship. Visit the Boat Oregon Store help page with videos and written instructions on how to navigate the system to renew your motorboat registrations or purchase Waterway Access Permits. To learn more about the agency’s revenues and expenditures visit the agency’s Business Services page.