CCSO release – Date / Time: March 28th, 2024 at 6:26 p.m.; Case Number(s): 2024-00007354; Classification: Elude by Vehicle / Reckless Endangering; Location: Hwy 42 / Hwy 101 / Libby Lane; Suspect(s): (Intentionally withheld); Motorcycle nearly strikes Sheriff’s Sergeant head-on, who is on routine patrol, then continues to flee at a high rate of speed. Deputy Sheriff is involved in a crash on Libby Lane while attempting to keep eyes on the motorcycle. The suspect is known, and the investigation is continuing. On March 28, 2024, a Sheriff’s Sergeant was in transit to Coquille on Hwy 42 just west of North Bank Lane when he was nearly hit head-on by a black and red motorcycle traveling at over 100 mph in the Sergeant’s lane of travel. The Sergeant took evasive action and avoided the collision. The motorcycle’s operator nearly hit a second vehicle head-on after just missing the patrol vehicle. The Sergeant immediately turned and accelerated to conduct a traffic stop on the motorcycle for reckless driving, nearly causing two serious traffic crashes. The Sgt. could not catch up to the bike due to the excessive speed and rain and activated his emergency lights to signal the motorcycle to stop. The motorcycle accelerated and pulled away quickly. The Sergeant radioed ahead to additional deputies, asking them to keep eyes on the motorcycle in the event it “Ditched” up a side street so the operator could be located and taken into custody. A Deputy saw the motorcycle at Coos Sumner Lane and Hwy 101 and followed it about 400 yards back with its emergency lights activated. The Deputy advised that the bike had turned off on Shinglehouse Lane. At this time, another Deputy and a Coos Bay Police Officer staged at the intersection of Libby Lane and Shinglehouse Road. The Deputy following the motorcycle backed off and lost sight of it on Shinglehouse Lane to encourage the operator to end the incident. For several moments, the motorcycle was nowhere to be found, and Deputies began to lock down the area while checking side roads. At this time, the motorcycle re-emerged and passed another Deputy Sheriff at the corner of Libby Lane and Shinglehouse. This deputy began to follow the motorcycle from a distance on Libby Lane with their emergency lights activated. The deputy stated they could not see the bike but were following a tire track due to the wet surface of the roadway. Another Coos Bay Police unit assisted by coming down Cape Arago Hwy, again to encourage the motorcycle operator to stop this reckless, unsafe driving by allowing room to “Ditch” the vehicle. While traveling across Libby Lane, the Deputy, who was now following the wet tire mark, lost control of their vehicle on a corner and became involved in a single-vehicle traffic crash. The Deputy was transported to the Bay Area Hospital, where they were treated for minor injuries and released. Oregon State Police responded to the crash to conduct an investigation. Coos Bay Police obtained a still photo of the suspect motorcycle when it drove by their location. Due to several callers and law enforcement investigations, the suspect’s identification is now known, and an investigation continues. The Coos County Sheriff’s Office appreciates the public’s support and well wishes for the Deputy involved in the crash. Every member of this office desires to ensure the safety of everyone in our community.