A 28-year old female, declared an extremely dangerous person with a mental illness, has had a murder charge from a 2019 homicide at North Bend dropped by the Coos County District Attorney. According to a news release from DA R. Paul Frasier, he petitioned the court to dismiss the murder case in order to have Alexis Marie Bergquist committed to the State Hospital under the jurisdiction and supervision of the Psychiatric Security Review Board. Bergquist was charged with Murder in the Second Degree in the death of her mother Ramona Matthews. Frasier says the move to dismiss is required under Oregon Law. “In the case involving Ms. Bergquist, shortly after she was charged, it was determined that due to her mental illness she was not able to aid and assist in her defense. The court ordered that she be committed to the State Hospital for treatment.” Bergquist has remained in the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille until Oct. 18, 2022. She is now back at the State Hospital.