The North Bend Public Library will host a book talk with author and myrtlewood sculptor Terry Woodall on Wednesday, July 12 at 11:00 AM. Terry Woodall is the author of Myrtlewood Memoirs: The Art & Heritage of Oregon Myrtlewood. Part informational and part memoir, the Myrtlewood Memoirs describes the history, origin, and use of myrtlewood in woodcraft and discusses Woodall’s personal relationship with myrtlewood as a nature artist. Terry Woodall has achieved international recognition and numerous awards with his interpretive sculptures of wildlife executed in both wood and bronze. He has over 30 years of experience as an artist on the Oregon coast and is a member of the Society of Animal Artists and Artists for Conservation. View the author’s artwork at For more information about this event, contact the library at (541) 756-0400 or email