National Night Out in North Bend, Aug. 1

News release NBPD. National Night Out in the Park will be at the Ferry Road Park from 5pm to 8pm on Tuesday, August 1st, 2017.  We anticipate over 40 different amazing vendors from our community.  There will great activities for the kids including free food and prizes.  This event is organized by the North Bend and Coos Bay Police Departments for our community.   We estimate that there will be anywhere from 2500-3000 people based on attendance from last year.  We are excited that this event draws our great community together, so please take advantage of the free shuttle from Pony Village Mall (near where Macy’s previously was) to Ferry Road Park(Parking at Ferry Road is extremely limited!).  Coquille PD will also host a night out from 6-8 p.m. at the Coquille Community Building.  Coos Bay Police will hold a similar event at the Eastside Park.