The North Bend City Council will hold a Regular Session, Council Chambers, 835 California Ave., In-Person and Remote – Tuesday, January 10, 2023 7:00 PM. Agenda: 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance; 2. Ceremonial; A. Rotary Presenting Fire Department with Check; 3. Consent Calendar; A. Approval of the Minutes from December 13, 2022; • DRAFT December 13, 2022 Minutes; B. Acknowledgement of the Bills from December 2022; • Legislative File; • December 2022 bills; C. Appointment to Boards, Commissions, or Committees; • Legislative File; • Levi Goodman – Library Board Application; • Bill Richardson – Budget and Main Street Committees Application; • Larry Garboden – Appointment to Visitor Convention Bureau; • Ron Kutch – Planning Commission Application; D. Bypass Pump Rental; • Legislative File; • Xylem Bypass Pump Quote; 4. Public Comments. Thank you for participating in public comment this evening. The public comment period is an essential part of local government meetings. Each person has three minutes to speak. Our governing body takes the input into consideration. However, in observance of Oregon open meeting laws, this isn’t the time for dialogue, but rather a time for us to listen to you. Our City Administrator and City Recorder are taking notes of action, if needed. 5. Award of FY23 State Revenue Sharing Community Grants; • Legislative File; • Community Grant Requests; 6. Approve the FY24 Budget Calendar; • Legislative File; • FY24 Budget Calendar; 7. Purchase of Rescue tool. We recommend purchasing under section, Sole source procurements from Fire Rescue Equipment NW. The Holmatro tool is only sold by their dealers, and their sales are regional. The Holmatro rescue tool will be interoperable with our current rescue tools, and the local fire departments. The total cost for the tool, batteries and charger is $15,167.00. Our Volunteer Firefighters association has donated $3,000 for the purchase, and the remaining balance will be paid out of our Fire Department operating budget. Rotary Grant $10,000; Volunteer Firefighters $3,000; FD budget $2167; • Legislative File; • Fire Rescue Equipment NW Estimate; 8. Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Mod Pizza/Starbucks/Arby’s. • Legislative File; • C7.2.1 Delta 1 (003); • C7.2.0 Delta 1 (004); 9. Action, if any, resulting from Executive Sessions; 10. City Administrator’s Report; 11. Committee Reports; 12. Council Comments; 13. Other Business; 14. Adjournment.