Due to meeting size limitations and in consideration of the health of our citizens, council and staff, Work Session and Council Meetings will be conducted remotely at the following link:
https://www.youtube.com/cityofnorthbendoregon If you wish to provide oral or written comments for public comment, please see the Remote Public Comment Sign-Up form at the following link:
https://www.northbendoregon.us/cityrecorder/webform/remote-public-comment If you wish to provide oral or written comments for the public hearing, please see the Remote Public Hearing Sign Up form at the following link:
https://www.northbendoregon.us/cityrecorder/webform/remote-public-hearing-comment North Bend City Council: The North Bend City Council will meet on Tuesday, January 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. The agenda will include the following: Swearing in of Brendon Gibbens North Bend Fire Department; Adoption of the Budget Calendar; Authorization to enter into IGA with SCINT; Installation of flooring in NBFD Training Room/EOC; ODOT Standard Services Agreement Approval; Authorization to pay Reese Electric for Streetlight Repair; Annual Audit Presentation; Public Hearing: Proposed Master Fee Schedule Update; Resolution 3296: Master Fee Schedule Annual Update; Committee Appointments; Request from Operation Rebuild Hope (Bryan’s Home) for City Assistance; Authorization to enter into an agreement with USDA APHIS Wildlife Services.