NB City Council & URA, Dec. 8

NB City Council
The North Bend City Council will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m., Council Chambers, City Hall, 835 California St., North Bend. Agenda: 1. Call to Order; 2. Approve minutes of the Nov. 10, 2015 council meeting (page 1); 3. Approve minutes of the Nov. 13, 2015 special council meeting (page 12); 4. Approve bills against the City (page 15); 5. Employee Recognitioin: Vicki Kritenbrink – 20 Years of Service; 6. Public Comments; 7. SCDC Report & Resolution No. 3192 Supporting Designation of Existing Industrial Lands as a Regionally Significant Industrial Area (page 25); 8. Authorization to Renew 3 Year Service Agreement with RACO for Remote Alarm (page 28); 9. Award of Bid for Squad Car (page 31); 10. Appointment of Various Committee Members (page 45); 11. City Administrator Report; 12. Council Committee Reports; 13. Council Comments; 14. Other Business; 15. Adjournment.

The North Bend Urban Renewal Agency will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 7:30 pm., Council Chambers, City Hall, 835 California St., North Bend. Agenda: 1. Call to Order; 2. Approve minutes of the September 8, 2015 Urban Renewal Agency meeting (page 1); 3. Public Comments; 4. Façade Improvement Grant Request, Salon Bellon on 101, 2066 Sherman Ave., (page 6); 5. Façade Improvement Grant Reimbursement Request, LTOB, 2100 Sherman Ave., (pager 19); 6. Adjournment.