The North Bend City Council will meet on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, 7 p.m., City Hall, 835 California Ave., North Bend. The North Bend Urban Renewal Agency (URA) will meet following the Council session in the same location. Agenda: Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance; Ceremonial: Proclamation: North Bend High School Bowling Team and Kian Pryor, National Champion; North Bend High School Bowling Team Day – June 28, 2022; Consent Calendar; Approval of the Minutes from May 24, 2022 and June 14, 2022; DRAFT Minutes – May 24, 2022; DRAFT Minutes – June 14, 2022; Authorization to renew Caselle annual support, maintenance, and upgrades; Legislative File; Invoice – Caselle Annual Maintenance; Approval of Coos Library Board Appointment; Legislative File; League of Oregon Cities 2023 Legislative Priorities Ballot; Legislative File; 2023 Legislative Priorities Ballot; Cancellation of Second Meeting in August; Legislative File; Acceptance of Oregon Community Summer Grant; Legislative File; OCSG Final Approval City of North Bend; Oregon Community Summer Grant – Engagement with North Bend Lanes; Legislative File; Return overpayment of $122,757.27 to Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT); Legislative File; Adoption of City Administrator Performance Evaluation; Legislative File; City Administrator Performance Evaluation for Public Release June 2022; Public Comments; Ordinance 2059: Updating and Amending NBCC Chapter 10, Uniform Traffic Code Ordinance; Legislative File; DRAFT Ordinance 2059: Updates and Amends NBCC Chapter 10, Uniform Traffic Ordinance; Resolution 3321: FY22 Year-End; Supplemental Budget; Legislative File; FY22 Year End Supplemental Budget Resolution; FY22 Supplemental Budget WORKSHEET; City Administrator Annual Salary Review; Legislative File; FY23 Wage Schedule; Survey worksheet Population Only; Survey worksheet Population & Location; Action, if any, resulting from Executive Sessions; City Administrator’s Report; Committee Reports; Council Comments; Other Business; Adjournment.