City of North Bend release – Congratulations to Common Ground Mediation on being awarded a $1,000 grant for community services. The non-profit organization advocates for collaborative conflict resolution by providing education and affordable mediation services in Douglas, Coos, and Curry counties. Mediation helps individuals, businesses, neighbors, and families with various conflicts by providing a neutral setting to discuss important issues, including: Neighborhood Problems (Noise, Parking, Animal Control, Property Maintenance); Workplace Disputes; Consumer/Merchant Disputes; Family Relationships (Separating Partners, Custody & Parenting Plans, Parent/Teen Issues); Money Issues; Landlord/Tenant Disputes; Manufactured Home Communities Conflicts; Interpersonal Conflict; Property Line and Easement Issues; Land Use Issues. The North Bend City Council annually awards limited funds via grants to community groups and projects. This is done in connection with North Bend’s budget process. The funds are, in essence, state funds the City receives as its portion of the Oregon revenue sharing to cities. Part of the Council’s criteria in considering grant applications is whether a particular community group or project helps cut the need for public assistance or aids one of our municipal departments.