City Administrator David Milliron report – The Public Works Director is finalizing the bid documents for critical infrastructure upgrades and enhancements to the pool. Rather than opening the facility in January 2022, the City Administrator informed the City Council that thanks to grant funds from the Judith Ann Mogan Foundation, combined with Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds and capital dollars freed up from other state and federal grant programs, the staff will be able to complete all Phase I & II pool upgrades and renovations in the coming months. This means the pool will not need to be taken out of service during the FY23 budget as planned for the Phase II upgrades and renovations. The City Administrator informed the Governing Body that once the critical infrastructure repairs are complete, the pool will open and be operated for free through June 30 using the remaining Oregon Community Foundation K-12 grant funds. Effective July 1, 2022, there will be a new fee structure for non-residents of North Bend that otherwise do not contribute toward the five-year voter-approved pool levy. The City of North Bend is currently soliciting applications for the position of Aquatic Director. This is a full-time, non-represented, FLSA exempt position with a salary range of $51,688-$65,956, dependent on experience and qualifications. In addition, the City offers an excellent benefits package that includes life, health, dental, and vision insurance; paid vacation and sick time; paid holidays; and a generous retirement package (PERS). This position is open until filled with a First Look date of January 21, 2022, 5:00 pm. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The successful candidate will be subject to a thorough background investigation and drug screen. The City of North Bend is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Eligible veterans who meet the qualifications will be given preference following ORS 408.225, ORS 408.230, and ORS 408.235. More information, including instructions on applying, can be found at