The North Bend Planning Commission will hold a regular meeting on Monday, March 18 that 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 835 California Street, North Bend, Oregon. Additional information concerning the meeting may be obtained by contacting Chelsea Schnabel, City Planner at 541-756-8535.A copy of the application and/or meeting materials will be available for inspection at no cost at least seven days prior to the meeting and copies will be provided at reasonable cost upon request. At the commencement of the meeting the applicable criteria will be stated. All testimony and evidence must be directed toward the applicable criteria. Failure to raise an issue with sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker and the parties an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal on that issue. SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARINGS (TWO: 1. CASE NUMBER CUP 9-19: REQUEST TO MODIFY EXISTING CHURCH USE TO INCLUDE A WARMING CENTER USE THAT WILL OPERATE PERIODICALLY, THROUGH NIGHT HOURS DURING INCLEMENT WEATHER EVENTS,TO PROVIDE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR HOMELESS FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN UNDER 18, SENIORS, AND HANDICAPPED INDIVIDUALS. SUBJECT PROPERTY: 2548 NEWMARK STREET. ASSESSOR MAP NO.: 25S 13W 21AB, TAX LOT 11300. CURRENT ZONING: RESIDENTIAL (R-6 / R-T). APPLICABLE CRITERIA*: CHAPTER 18.12 NBCC, RESIDENTIAL ZONE R-6; CHAPTER 18.24 NBCC, ESIDENTIAL TRANSITION ZONE R-T; CHAPTER 18.60 NBCC, CONDITIONAL USES; CHAPTER 18.68 NBCC, OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING; CHAPTER 18.04 NBCC, GENERAL PROVISIONS; CHAPTER 18.92 NBCC, ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT, AND INTERPRETATION.CUP 9-19 *All land use decisions are subject to Oregon Statewide Planning Goals, the City of North Bend Comprehensive Plan Provisions and Policies, and city functional plans.2. CASE NUMBER FP 2-18 & CBE 3-18: REQUEST FOR CONSOLIDATED LAND USE APPROVAL TO ALLOW A SUBSURFACE INTERSTATE GAS PIPELINE DEVELOPMENT. SUBJECT PROPERTY: VACANT LAND AKA NORTH POINT AREA. ASSESSOR MAP NO.: 25S 13W 10, TAX LOTS 100, 800, & 1000. CURRENT ZONING: HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (M-H). SPECIAL OVERLAYS: FLOODPLAIN ZONE (F-P); COOS BAY ESTUARY MANAGEMENT (CBE) PLAN UNITS 48-CA, 48-CS, 47-UW, & 47-DA. APPLICABLE CRITERIA*: CHAPTER 18.44 NBCC, HEAVY INDUSTRIAL ZONE M-H; CHAPTER 18.48 NBCC, FLOODPLAIN ZONE F-P; CHAPTER 18.88 NBCC, COOS BAY ESTUARY MANAGEMENT PLAN; CHAPTER 18.04 NBCC, GENERAL PROVISIONS; NBCC 10.12.050, PURPOSE (ARTICLE II. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT STUDY); NBCC 18.60.040, NOTICES; CHAPTER 18.92 NBCC, ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT, AND INTERPRETATION.