Swimming Lessons August 15 – 19 & 22 – 26 8:00 am – 8:45 am Mingus Park Pool. Free Swim August 15 – 19 & 22 – 26 8:45 am – 10:00 am Mingus Park Pool. Bring your swimsuit and celebrate the summer at Mingus Park Pool in Coos Bay. This free opportunity will provide North Bend Youth to get swimming lessons at no cost and a free swim opportunity. Classes will teach the fundamentals of swimming with certified instructors at Mingus Park Pool in Coos Bay. There will also be time for participants to have one hour of free swim in the pool. Space is limited to 50 participants per day. Participants must register for the day(s) they intend to attend the lesson. All levels of swimmers are invited. Transportation will be provided. For youth in need, swimsuits and towels are available at the pool. Brought to you by the City of North Bend www.northbendoregon.us facebook.com/NorthBendOregon