City of North Bend release – Meet Zero, a spirited Rottweiler puppy, who had an unexpected adventure on Saturday! While enjoying a walk with his owners along the bluff behind UPS on Cessna Circle in North Bend, Zero’s curiosity got the better of him. Spying some wild turkeys, he managed to escape his leash and took off in pursuit, only to find himself over a cliff and tangled in heavy brush. Rapid Response! North Bend Fire & Rescue, known for their expertise in technical rope rescues, were alerted at 9:21 am. Within minutes, their team, equipped with the agency’s technical assistance trailer, was on the move. Firefighters Chase Howerton, Jeremy Potter, Henry Hood, and Cody Folsom worked swiftly to clear a path to Zero. Heroic Efforts! It was Lt. John Lucero who repelled down the cliff to make the daring rescue, ensuring Zero was safely reunited with his worried owners. By 10 am, Zero was back on his walk, none the worse for wear, while the turkeys continued to squawk uproariously. A Big Salute to North Bend Fire & Rescue! Today’s events are a powerful reminder of the incredible skill and bravery of our first responders. Congratulations to the whole team for a job well done, ensuring a happy ending to what could have been a tragic event. And thank goodness the couple’s Great Dane chose to sit this escapade out. Otherwise, it would have been double trouble!