City of North Bend release – North Benders near and far are invited to show their Bulldog spirit and pride as the community comes together for the North Bend High School State Competitors Parade. Every North Bend Bulldog that qualified and participated in state competition this year – from athletics to extracurricular activities — will join in the celebratory parade on Thursday, June 2, 2022, at 1:00 pm. Participants will line up in the back parking lot of the North Bend High School at 12:30 pm. The parade will commence at 1:00 pm and will take the following route:
It begins in North Bend High School’s back parking lot; Drives through North Bend Middle School’s parking lot; Right on 16th Street; Right on Pacific Street; Right on Crowell Lane; Left on Pony Creek Road; Left on Vermont Avenue; Left and then loop behind Pony Village Mall; Left on 12th Street; Left on Marion Avenue; Left on 16th Street; End at North Bend High School’s back parking lot. Please join us in celebrating students from Band, Choir, Forensics, Volleyball, Cheer, Wrestling, Swimming, Girls Tennis, Boys and Girls Golf, Boys and Girls Track, Bowling, and Equestrian. The former Macy’s parking lot at the rear of Pony Village Mall is a great place to watch the parade. Spectators can also line the streets in front of the middle and high schools. Thank you to North Bend Fire & Rescue for organizing the event, including a line-up of city vehicles and first responder emergency equipment from throughout the North Bend School District. It is going to be a great day to be a Bulldog!