NBHS & SIA Funds, March 2

Dist. 13 release – On Monday, February 24th, Superintendent Kevin Bogatin presented the district’s draft plan to expend the additional revenue from the Student Investment Account (SIA) to the North Bend School Board of Directors. The SIA is one of three accounts funded through the Student Success Act. The Oregon Department of Education requires school districts receiving SIA funds demonstrate that the initiatives on which they spend money are those that their communities see as a need. There are two stated purposes for the funds distributed under the SIA:  Meeting students’ mental or behavior health needs; Increasing academic achievement for students, including reducing academic disparities for historically and currently underserved youth. During his presentation, Bogatin said, “This funding represents a historic commitment to our students. The North Bend District and the State have an opportunity to change the course of education.” To this end, North Bend School District has been busy this winter gathering input from staff, students, and families throughout North Bend school community. The North Bend plan outlines five major goals: 1. Increasing Reading achievement, including reducing academic disparities for students experiencing poverty, student with disabilities, and students from underserved race/ethnicity. 2. Improve Mathematics achievement, ensuring all students successfully complete Algebra by the end of 9th grade. 3. Develop and improve multiple pathways to graduation that link our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and post-high school success. 4. Create and support a school culture that addresses the safety needs and the social emotional needs of our students. 5. Build and develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies into our instructional core work with our students, teachers, and content to create a strong foundation to support every student. Within the framework of these five goals, the district has developed specific areas for expending just over 2 million dollars for the 2020-21 school year. At the meeting on Monday, the School Board asked Bogatin to give his top three priorities and the top three priorities coming from the community. Bogatin responded, Additional counselors (one for each building); High School Alternative Education (more options for students); Extended day opportunities for kids (after school and summer school); Increasing social emotional support for students; Increasing communication; Increasing opportunities for high school students, so we can meet all students’ needs. You will see support for all of these areas in North Bend School District’s draft plan. Learn more on how the North Bend School District will use the SIA funds to provide our students with the best education possible. North Bend School District’s draft plan is available on its website at Student Success Plan. If you would like to add your voice to this discussion, please consider taking the Survey or attending the Public Comment Hearing on Tuesday, March 3rd, at 5:30 p.m. at NB City Hall.