NBPD logs, Feb. 15

According to an entry on the NBPD log for Feb. 12, 5:56 a.m., 1900 block Channel St., “report of intoxicated adult daughter request officers she keeps coming after RP, officers respond with NB Medical, NBPD served valid Washington County warrant” on 45-year old Michelle Lynn Smith, North Bend, charging FTA on Assault IV Domestic Violence, Harassment, “cited in lieu of custody. Officers UTL any crime, advised family dispute.”

According to an entry on the NBPD log for Feb. 12, 7:32 a.m., 2200 block Hayes St., “report of UEMV to 2 vehicles at location / officer respond, report taken, Theft, UEMV & Fraudulent use of Credit Card. At 8:31 a.m., 3201 Tremont Ave., “Mill Security request officer for guest with window broken out on car / officer respond report taken UEMV, Theft III & Criminal Mischief.

According to an entry on the NBPD log for Feb. 12, 12:40 p.m., 3000 block Broadway Ave., “report of male throwing things outside Top Dog Coffee / officers respond and contacted subject / served NBPD warrant” on 29-year old Craig Hyatt, Coos Bay, charging FTA on Placing Allowing Polluting Substance on Property, warned for DOC.

According to an entry on the NBPD log for Feb. 13, 10:54 a.m., 1600 block Virginia Ave., “Security reported shoplifter leaving on foot, officer contacted suspect on Everett & 11th,” 40-year old Tosha Potter, North Bend, cited for Criminal Trespass I, Theft III, “cited in lieu of custody.”

According to an entry on the NBPD log for Feb. 13, 11:47 a.m., 1500 block Grant St., “report of assault to 13 year old occurred Friday, officers contacted victim & suspect at separate locations,” 18-year old Kyler Ure, North Bend, arrested, “subject transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the NBPD log for Feb. 13, 3400 block Spruce St., “RP reported his 3 vehicles were entered last night and belongings taken / report taken.”

According to an entry on the NBPD log for Feb. 13, 10:07 p.m., McCullough Bridge, 27-year old Benjamin K. Remy, Gold Beach, cited for DWS traffic violation, Driving Uninsured.