NBPD logs, March 23

According to an entry on the NBPD log for March 18, 12:22 a.m., “CCSO served valid NBPD warrant,” on 46-year old James E. Wilson III, transient, charging Probation Violation on Unlawful Possession of Meth, “cited in lieu of custody due to COVID-19.”

According to an entry on the NBPD log for March 18, 12:48 a.m., 3201 Tremont Ave., Mill Casino, “male & female dispute at bar, refusing to leave, officers made contact & subjects left in vehicle at high rate of speed to Super 8 Motel,” 25-year old Karissa Kirkpatrick, Myrtle Point, cited for DUII (BAC 0.18) “vehicle secured on scene at Super 8 Motel, both subjects initially warned for DOC & Trespassing, “both issued 1 year Trespass from Casino, male subject left the motel with a friend.”

Traffic stop
According to an entry on the NBPD log for March 18, 4:09 a.m., Koos Bay Blvd. & East Bayshore Dr., “traffic stop & served valid CCSO warrant” on 35-year old Kristin N. Rexine, Coos Bay, charging Contempt of Court, “cited in lieu of custody due to COVID-19.”

Criminal Trespass
According to an entry on the NBPD log for March 18, 3300 block Broadway Ave., “subjects warned for trespassing & to Gather stuff & move along,” 60-year old Jed H. Parks, transient, charged with FTA on Criminal Trespass II, and FTA on Criminal Citation, “cited in lieu of custody due to COVID-19.”

According to an entry on the NBPD log for March 19, “OSP served valid NBPD warrant” on 38-year old Katrina Handsaker-Haney, Coos Bay, charging Probation Violation on Unlawful Possession Controlled Substance Schedule I.

According to an entry on the NBPD log for March 20, 1:27 a.m., 66000 block Hwy. 101, “warrant service / subject cited in lieu of custody,” 31-year old Terry L. Thurman, Coos Bay, charged with FTA on Theft I x8, Theft II, ID Theft x9. Issued citation to appear in court.