Needed Coos Bay Jetty Repair gets Funding, March 18

Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission release – The Port of Coos Bay says the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Workplan includes $34.65 Million to Repair Coos Bay’s North Jetty. The funding will cover the completion of all environmental work and contracting and construction for the Jetty head only. Repairs to the Jetty trunk and root will come in following years. The N. Jetty has been losing approximately twenty feet per year, which has resulted in its receding a total of 900 feet since its original construction design. The jetty’s construction was completed in 1929. The USACE project will include the addition of approximately 120’-150’ in jetty length, stabilization of the head of the jetty, and addition of rock to the jetty’s trunk and root to further stabilize the structure. This work will be critical in ensuring the safety of mariners transiting in and out of the Coos Bay harbor. The Oregon International Port of Coos Bay (Port) has worked very closely with Representative Peter DeFazio, the US Army Corp of Engineers, and a variety of users such as the Pilots and Commercial Fishing Fleet to secure the funding to execute this work.