Newport Mayor Resigns, July 11

Under pressure to resign as Mayor of Newport, Dean Sawyer tendered his resignation to the city Monday morning, July 10, prior to a scheduled City Council meeting that night. Sawyer created controversy when it had become known he posted alleged offensive materials regarding race and gender on a private Law Enforcement Officers only social page. The postings were leaked to the media. A protest, involving two former Mayors, was held last weekend calling for his resignation. Sawyer, a former police officer, was appointed to the City Council in 2011, elected mayor in 2018 and re-elected to two following terms. In his letter of resignation, he wrote, “I am sorry to everyone in this community and anyone hurt by my actions, directly or indirectly. The posts I made and the humor I engaged in do not reflect my values. It was wrong for me to belittle people with experiences different than my own. I understand that many of you are upset, angry and confused by my actions. You have every right to be.”