ODOT release – COOS BAY – Motorists traveling through south Coos Bay should watch for nighttime construction next year as ODOT and Knife River Materials begin work on a new highway project. The project, which begins construction January 4, is aimed at improving safety and the flow of traffic at the northbound (First Street) and southbound (Broadway) U.S. 101 intersections with Johnson Avenue. The project will create a dedicated left-turn lane from eastbound Johnson Avenue onto northbound U.S. 101 (First Street), replace the ADA ramps at all corners of both intersections, and install a large curb extension at the Broadway intersection to shorten the crosswalk distance across U.S. 101. Knife River plans to work at night (7 p.m. to 5 a.m.), Sunday night to Thursday morning each week. Most lane closures will be at night, though some lanes will be closed during the day. Starting in early January, the right-turn lane on northbound U.S. 101 onto Johnson Avenue near Fred Meyer will be closed approximately one month. Knife River is scheduled to begin work on the southeast corners of both intersections in January, then work in a clockwise direction replacing the sidewalks on each corner. When all the sidewalk work is completed around May, the contractor will pave both intersections. All work on the $1.4 million U.S. 101: Johnson Avenue Intersections project is scheduled to be completed by the end of June. For more information, visit the project website or contact ODOT Public Information Officer Dan Latham at 541-817-5200 or Dan.Latham@odot.state.or.us.