No. Bay School Extreme Makeover, May 18

Volunteers are needed to participate in an Extreme Makeover event at North Bay Elementary School Saturday, May 20th, 9 a.m. to noon, 93670 Viking Lane, in the Hauser Area north of the Bay Area.  BBQ lunch will follow.  Goals are to refresh the main entrance (weeding & trimming plants & shrubs); working in the school’s vegetable garden to get it re-established; and, the BBQ (provided by the Coach House & Hough, MacAdam, Wartnik, Fisher & Gorman CPAs.  Tools needed:  wheel barrows, rakes, shovels, hoes, gardening tools, weed eaters, etc.  To RSVP this event, or for more information, contact Jayson Wartnik at 541 269-9338 or Jayson.wartnick