Nominations for Citizen and Business of the Year, Dec. 20

The annual Chamber of Commerce Awards banquet is set for Saturday, January 25th. Besides acknowledging the Officers, Board members, and Committee Chairs for the past year, and introducing the members who will serve in those roles for the upcoming year, we have a variety of awards and recognitions which truly make this a community celebration. One of the main events of the evening, we need your help with right now. Citizen of the Year is an honor that is given to a member of our community, who, by consistently giving of their time, energy and resources, has made Oregon’s Bay Area a better place to live. Additionally, the Business of the Year award is given to a business that has exhibited excellence in products and customer service; contributed time, manpower and resources to community improvement projects; and made significant contributions toward a healthy economy through excellence in employee relationships and training. So how can you help affect these two awards? By making a nomination for someone or business which you think meets those standards. Nominations are now open through January 10th for both of these honors. Give us a call, look on the website or stop by the Chamber office on Central Avenue in Coos Bay and we can get the nomination forms to you. The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit, professional business organization made up of the Coos Bay, North Bend, and Charleston communities. The Chamber works for a healthy economic climate of good jobs, more customers and efficient government. The Chamber’s strength lies in the number and diversity of its membership. With over 530 members strong representing every aspect of this area’s economy, we use their vast collective experiences and energy to make a positive difference in our community.