The Oregon Recreation Trails Advisory Council is seeking nominations for its annual Doug Newman Recreation Trails Achievement Award. Named after deceased council member Doug Newman, the award honors a person, or people, who has made significant contributions to non-motorized trails within Oregon. Nominations for the 2016 award must be submitted to Rocky Houston by April 13, 2016. Nominations must be submitted in writing and should briefly address the following three subjects: 1) Accomplishment of candidate(s) has/will benefits a large number and variety of trail users. 2) Candidate(s) have made a significant contribution to the planning, design, development, or maintenance of recreation trails. Describe the scope of impact locally, regionally, or statewide. 3) Candidate(s) accomplishments are an inspiration to others. Nominations are solicited from various non-motorized trail organizations, government agencies, and the general public. The Oregon Recreational Trails Advisory Council (ORTAC) was established by the Legislature in 1971 to advise the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and to promote non-motorized trail recreation and development in Oregon. The Council is made up of seven volunteer members appointed by the Oregon Park and Recreation Commission to represent the five Oregon congressional districts. For more information, contact Rocky Houston, State Trails Coordinator, at 503-986-0750 or at