North Bend City Council, April 27

The North Bend City Council will meet on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The agenda will include the following: Citizen Recognition; Proclamation – National Youth Week, May 1-7, 2021; Employee Recognition; Quarterly Financial Report; Award of Contract for Library Security Services; Adoption of Updated FY 21-22 Budget Calendar; Ordinance 2048: Comprehensive Plan & Text Amendment Transportation System Plan, AMD 1-21; Resolution 3303: Community Development Block Grant – Approval of the Draft Subgrant Agreement with Oregon Coast Community Action; Award of Virginia & Colorado Ave. Striping & Pavement Rehabilitation Project; Adoption of Volunteer Management Program. North Bend URA – The North Bend Urban Renewal Agency will meet on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. immediately following the North Bend City Council Meeting. The agenda will include the following: URA Resolution 58: Request for Qualifications: North Bend Public Library (Director of Library Services, Page 2); South Coast Development Council Membership; Due to meeting size limitations and in consideration of the health of our citizens, council and staff, Work Session and Council Meetings will be conducted remotely at the following link: