The North Bend City Council will hold a regular session meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at 835 California Ave. The agenda will include the following: -Ceremonial: •35 Years of Service – Michael Jordan, Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent; •Swearing-In of Jordan Osborne, North Bend Fire Department; -Consent Calendar: •Approval of the Minutes from July 11, 2023; •Acknowledgment of the Bills from July 2023; •Replacement of a Fire Hydrant; •2023-2023 Insurance Renewal; •Appointment to North Bend Public Library Board; •Appointment to Special Events Committee; •Authorize Public Assembly and Temporary Use of Property for Public Entertainment for Cirque Entertainment IIII, LLC; •Purchase of a 259D3 Compact Track Loader and Implements; -Intergovernmental Agreement for CCAD TSA Law Enforcement Services; -Authorization to Hire Cascadia Geoservices for Pony Slough Road Investigation; -Authorization to Pay Knife River Materials for Newmark Repair Work.