September 12, 2022 4:30 PM – City Hall – Agenda: Call to Order; Presentation: City of North Bend and North Bend Urban Renewal Agency financial reports for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021; City of North Bend Issued Audit 2021; NB URA Issued Audit 2021; Presentation: Oregon Community Summer Grant Program Update by Stephanie Kilmer; Grant Applications – Public Works Update; Legislative File; Progress Report: North Bend Municipal Pool updates; Councilor Noordhoff Request – Correction of the May 24, 2022 meeting minutes 2022 05 24 Minutes; Review of the City Council Agenda for September 13, 2022; Review of North Bend Urban Renewal Agency Agenda for September 13, 2022; Public Comments. Thank you for participating in public comment this evening. The public comment period is an essential part of local government meetings. Each person has three minutes to speak. Our governing body takes the input into consideration. However, in observance of Oregon open meeting laws, this isn’t the time for dialogue, but rather a time for us to listen to you. Our City Administrator and City Recorder are taking notes of action, if needed. Executive Session – City Council. The North Bend City Council will now meet in Executive Session according to: A. Executive Session pursuant to ORS § 192.660 (2)(e) – to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions. B. Executive Session pursuant to ORS § 192.660 (2)(f) – to review information or records exempt by law from public disclosure. Representatives of the news media and designated staff shall be allowed to attend the executive sessions. Representatives of the news media are specifically directed not to report on any of the deliberations during the executive session except to state the general subject of the session as previously announced. All other members of the audience are asked to leave the room. No decision may be made in the executive session. This concludes the live stream portion of our meeting. The meeting will be adjourned immediately following the executive sessions. Adjournment.
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