The North Bend City Council will hold a regular session meeting on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at 835 California Ave. The agenda will include the following: – Approval of the Minutes from July 12, 2022; – Authorization to renew Digital Budget Book Software from ClearGov; – Purchase of Kenwood Portable Radios; – Sole Source Procurement for Human Resources Workforce Management; – Public Hearing: FY23 Supplemental Budget; – Ordinance 2060: Declaring a Prohibition on Psilocybin Product Manufacturers and Psilocybin Service Center Operators within the Jurisdiction of the City of North Bend, Oregon; – Resolution 3324: Referring to Voters of the City of North Bend an Ordinance Prohibiting Psilocybin Product Manufacturers and Psilocybin Service Center Operators within the City of North Bend, Oregon, and adopting a ballot title and explanatory statement; – Action, if any, resulting from Executive Sessions.