North Bend City Council, June 11

The North Bend City Council will hold a regular session meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at 835 California Ave. The agenda will include the following: -Ceremonial: • 10 Years of Service – Scott Dubisar, Streets Dept. Maintenance Worker. -Consent Calendar: • Approval of the Minutes from May 28, 2024; • Acknowledgment of the Bills from May 2024; • Intergovernmental Agreement for Behavioral Health Services for North Bend Public Library; • Memorandum of Understanding Between North Bend Public Library and Coos Bay Public Library for Community Engagement Specialist; • Authorization to Continue Contract with Waterworth, Utility Rate Consultant; • Purchase of Two Speed Alert Trailers. -Resolution 3353: Approval of Changes to the FY24 Budget to Allow for a Specific Purpose Grant in the Amount of $500,000; -Resolution 3354: Approval of Changes to the FY24 Budget to Allow for a Specific Purpose Grant in the Amount of $1,927,818.89; -Public Hearing: Possible Uses of State Revenue Sharing (Resolution No. 3355); -Public Hearing: Adoption of the FY25 Budget and Resolution No. 3356; -Ordinance 2075: Amending the North Bend City Council Rules.