North Bend City Council, March 26

The North Bend City Council will hold a regular session meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at 835 California Ave. The agenda will include the following: -Consent Calendar: •Approval of the Minutes from March 12, 2024; •Approval of the Special Called Meeting Minutes from March 7, 2024; •Collection HQ Subscription Fee – North Bend Public Library; •Bibliotheca, LLC Annual Service Agreement – North Bend Public Library; -Public Hearing to Consider Declaration of 2419 and 2451 Broadway Ave. Dangerous Structures; -Resolution No. 3345: Declaration of 2419 Broadway Ave. and 2451 Broadway Ave. as Dangerous Structures; -Public Hearing Related to Potential Dangerous Structure Located at 3085 Sherman Ave.; -Resolution No. 3346: Declaration of 3085 Sherman Ave. as a Dangerous Structure; -Public Hearing to Evaluate 1878 Meade Related to Being a Dangerous Structure; -Resolution No. 3347: Declaration of 1878 Meade Ave. as a Dangerous Structure; -Community Grant Applications; -Authorization to Purchase a Replacement Positive Displacement (PD) Blower Block from Apsco; -North Bend Public Library Renovation – Architectural Services.