North Bend City Council Regular Session Agenda September 13, 2022 7:00 PM, City Hall. Agenda: Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Ceremonial; A. Introduction of Michael Minor, Community Services Officer; B. Swearing in of Patrol Officer, Ryan Reed; C. Promotion: Recognition of Sergeant Patrick Kinney; Consent Calendar; Acknowledgement of the Bills from August 2022; Legislative File; Bills August 2022; Approval of the Minutes from August 9, 2022; DRAFT August 9, 2022 Minutes; Building Dept. Vehicle Purchase; Legislative File; Bld Vehicle Quotes; Additional Authorization for Sidewalk & Curb Work, Pacific & 14th Streets. Legislative File; 14th Av Invoice; Wastewater Sampler; Legislative File 20220825092643; Replacement of fire Hydrant; Legislative File; Water Board Job Order; Public Comments: Thank you for participating in public comment this evening. The public comment period is an essential part of local government meetings. Each person has three minutes to speak. Our governing body takes the input into consideration. However, in observance of Oregon open meeting laws, this isn’t the time for dialogue, but rather a time for us to listen to you. Our City Administrator and City Recorder are taking notes of action, if needed. Appeal of Traffic Committee/City Council approval of Providing LID estimate to Brussells St. section between Newmark & Tower. Legislative File; 5 22 Traffic Committee Agenda.docx; Mary Powell appeal packet; Resolution 3326: Approval of changes to the FY23 budget to allow for a specific purpose grant in the amount of $500,000; Legislative File; FY23 Budget Resolution special grant; Resolution 3327: Adopt an Action Plan to Address Audit Deficiencies; Legislative File; Resolution 3327 Action Plan; Draft Update to the Coos Bay-North Bend Visitor Convention Bureau Intergovernmental Agreement; Legislative File; VCB updated agreement; 2022 Voting Delegates: League of Oregon Cities Annual Membership Meeting; Legislative File; LOC 2022 Voting Delegate Form Fillable; Authorization to Perform Work at night on Coos County Airport Apron. Legislative File; Airport.docx; Allowance for Connection of Mod Pizza/Arby’s/Starbucks to North Bend System; Legislative File; MOD ARBY’s Review; Capacity and Connection Authorization.doc; MOD Pizza Capacity.doc; Coos Bay North Bend Cross Over IGA; Award of Pavement Replacement for Maple St.; Legislative File; Estimate Johnson Rock; Estimate Knife River; Estimate 1205 from Pacific Northwest Sealcoating and More; Action, if any, resulting from Executive Sessions; City Administrator’s Report; Committee Reports; Council Comments; Other Business; Adjournment.