North Bend City Council, Sept. 26

The North Bend City Council will hold a regular session meeting on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at 835 California Ave. The agenda will include the following: – Ceremonial: •5 Years of Service – Christopher Tanner, Library Assistant II; – Consent Calendar: •Approval of the Minutes from September 11, 2023; •Receive Federal Emergency Management Agency Grant, and purchase 32 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus; •North Bend Public Library Exterior Painting; •Revision to North Bend Public Library Exhibits Policy; •Purchase of Camera Carrier for Wastewater Closed Circuit TV; – Public Hearing: Ordinance No. 2072 – An Ordinance Vacating Portions of Alleyway Contained Within Block 10, Schaefer’s Addition to Central Place, Coos County, Oregon; – Ordinance No. 2072; – Letter of Support – DLCD Technical Assistance Grant.