North Bend City Council sets Policy Direction, June 30

City of North Bend report – The North Bend City Council, which sets policy direction to guide staff implementation of its goals, has been working on its strategic plan during work sessions held since March 2023. During its June 27, 2023, regular session meeting, the City Council voted to formally adopt a priority list. This priority list will serve a variety of purposes such as helping the public understand Council priorities, helping staff dedicate time to priority projects, and serving as a support document for grant applications related to topics on the priority list. The Strategic Planning process identified four priorities for moving the City of North Bend toward its long-term vision. The City Council, City Administrator, City Recorder, and Department Heads worked collaboratively to establish specific Goals and Strategies under each tiered priority. The Council ranked its goals in order of priority for staff resource deployment. TIER 1: Determine additional long-term funding for the City (Priority: 1A); TIER 2: Continue with the maintenance schedule of the Fire Department, including the purchase of a new ladder truck (Priority: 2A); Perform a Sewer Rate Study and present options to increase fees to sustain the aging infrastructure (Priority: 2B); Create a pocket park at Sherman and California to include restrooms and an I♥NB sign (Priority: 2C); Create defensible space and clear invasives in City Parks (Priority: 2D); TIER 3: Continue Police Department fleet sustainability (Priority: 3A); Fish cleaning station at California Street boat launch (Priority: 3B); Create a student Youth Advisory Council (Priority: 3C); TIER 4: Complete the County Annex workforce housing project (Priority: 4A); Add 200 AMP service to Grant Circle for City Events (Priority: 4B); Develop a strategic longevity plan to keep the pool operational (Priority: 4C); Continue the goal of renovation and repair to the North Bend Public Library (Priority: 4D); Investigate PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) for Bangor School low-income housing project, and work with Southwest Oregon Regional Airport to establish a fee-for-service arrangement for any requested city services (Priority: 4E); Rebrand July Jubilee (Priority: 4F); Review and update the City Charter (Priority: 4G); Succession planning and cross-training for city staff (Priority: 4H).