The North Bend City Housing Authority will hold a regular Board Meeting Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 12:00 PM, 1700 Monroe Street, Conference Room, North Bend, OR 97459, Zoom Meeting ID: 993 3961 7298, Passcode: 784560, AGENDA: 1. Call to Order; 2. Establishment of Quorum; 3. Pledge of Allegiance; 4. Public Comments: This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Board with matters relative to Board business. Please Keep Comments to a Maximum of Three Minutes; 5. Approval of Minutes: Regular Board Meeting September 27, 2022; 6. Old Business: a. Bangor School; 7. New Business: a. Request Approval of Resolution 843: Public Housing Flat Rent Schedule FY 2023; 8. Secretary’s Report; a. Financial Report; b. Operations Report; c. Capital Fund Project Report; 9. Executive Session: The Board of Commissioners may retire to Executive Session at any time upon the motion of any Commissioner, as authorized under ORS 192.660; (a) Employment of Public Officers, Employees and Agents; (b) Discipline of Public Officer and Employees; (e) Real Property Transactions; (h) to consult with Legal Counsel; or (i) Performance Evaluations of Public Officers and Employees. 10. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 12:00 PM at the North Bend, City/Coos-Curry Housing Authorities Office, 1700 Monroe Street, North Bend, OR 97459; 11. Adjournment.