City of North Bend release – Motion by Councilor Larry Garboden (Tuesday, June 8, 2021): “Since we have all witnessed the lack of decorum, continual violation of our council rules, seen the City spend funds to provide training, legal fees, and staff time for the benefit of one councilor; also, given the potential grievances that this council member has done inside and outside the Council Chambers I think it best that we sever as many ties to this Council member as possible, I am at this time making a motion to remove Councilor Noordhoff from any and all City Boards, Commissions, and Lay Committees per Article 59(7) on Page 12 of our Council Rules.” Mayor Jessica Engelke statement, “It is regrettable that the council needed to take such a strong step. However, as councilor Garboden noted in his motion, we have spent a lot of extra staff time, councilor time, and money trying to give Councilor Noordhoff the tools to be successful sharing her views. But this council has work to do. This is a governing body that is open to hearing new perspectives, but those perspectives need to be presented using the charter, rules and ordinances this community has put in place. We will not tolerate ongoing inappropriate actions and outbursts that ultimately cost our taxpayers.”