North Bend firefighters will continue their long tradition of retrieving discarded Christmas trees throughout the city on Saturday, January 6, 2024. The effort is a voluntary fundraiser and benefits North Bend families in need while removing the potential fire hazard of dry Christmas trees in our homes. North Bend residents only need to put their Christmas trees curbside the night before the scheduled pickup day. Firefighters will leave a self-addressed donation envelope at the residence for each tree picked up and kindly ask for a minimum suggested donation of $10 per tree. The North Bend Volunteer Firefighters Association returns all donations to the community through its annual “Kids for Christmas” program, which provides food and gifts for less fortunate families in North Bend. You can mail or hand-deliver your donation to the North Bend Fire Station, 1880 McPherson Street, across from the post office. Please make checks payable to the North Bend Volunteer Firefighters Association. North Benders who miss the pickup can contact Assistant Chief Brian Waddington at (541) 756-8181 to schedule a tree removal. Residents can also drop Christmas trees off in the northwest corner of the fire station’s parking lot.