“Not in My Backyard, Not in Anybody’s Backyard”, Jan. 30

A public meeting regarding the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline and the Jordan Cove Energy Project will be held in Roseburg January 30, 2015, at the Douglas Co. Library’s Ford Meeting Room. Beginning at 6:30 p.m., Kai Huschke, the Northwest Organizer for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund will discuss how communities, in Oregon and other states, are changing the rules of the game, squaring up against pipeline corporations and their own government. According to a news release from Pipeline Awareness Southern Oregon, “In Oregon, the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline and Jordan Cove export terminal are moving full steam ahead, aided by local commissioners, federal and state agencies, despite warnings of real impacts to quality of life, private property, local economies, and ecosystems across four Oregon counties. The event is free and open to the public.