City of Coos Bay release – Land Use Application (187-23-000165-PLNG), Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan Phase 1, and Related Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan & Development Code. On January 10, 2024, after three joint work sessions with Coos County and the City of North Bend, the City of Coos Bay City Council conducted the second public hearing on this matter during which time they considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that of the other governing bodies and all public comment received to-date. The Mayor and Council moved to APPROVE Land Use Application 187-23-000165-PLNG and to ADOPT the recommended findings as presented as the draft Findings and Final Decision of the City of Coos Bay City Council in the mater of Record No. 187-23-000165-PLNG, dated January 10, 2024.The motion passed, with one Councilor abstaining (4-0). On January 10, 2024, the Mayor and Council moved to ENACT Ordinance Numbers 572 and 573 and to ADOPT Resolution 24-01, confirming Land Use Application 187-23-000165-PLNG approval. The motion(s) passed unanimously (5-0). GENERAL INFORMATION: Applicant: City of Coos Bay; Case Type: Type IV Land Use Review, Legislative Amendments; Appeal Procedure: Legislative land use decision with appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). Proposal: Repeal Volume III of the Coos Bay Comprehensive Plan; adopt the Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan (CBEMP) by reference only in Volume I of the Coos Bay Comprehensive Plan; repeal and replace in its entirety Chapter 17.352 CBDC, Estuarine and Coastal Shoreland Uses and Activities to align with the CBEMP; amend CBDC 17.360.020, Initiation of amendments, to allow the Director the opportunity to initiate amendment applications. Findings: Refer to the Findings and Final Decision of the City of Coos Bay City Council in the matter of Record No. 187-23-000165-PLNG, dated January 10, 2024, Attachment B to Ordinance Numbers 572 and 573, incorporated herein by reference. CITY COUNCIL CONCLUSIONS: Based on the above findings, the City of Coos Bay City Council concluded that the land use application for Legislative Amendments (187-23-000165-PLNG) is substantially consistent with the Coos Bay Comprehensive Plan and applicable Statewide Planning Goals and complies with the approval criteria set forth in the Coos Bay Development Code for Legislative Amendments. CITY COUNCIL DECISION: The City Council (5-0) hereby: ENACTS Ordinance No. 572, including the findings as presented in the Findings and Final Decision of the City of Coos Bay City Council in the matter of Record No. 187-23-000165-PLNG, dated January 10, 2024, in support of the City Council’s decision to APPROVE amendments to the Coos Bay Comprehensive Plan. ENACTS Ordinance No. 573, including the findings as presented in the Findings and Final Decision of the City of Coos Bay City Council in the matter of Record No. 187-23-000165-PLNG, dated January 10, 2024, in support of the City Council’s decision to APPROVE amendments to the Coos Bay Development Code. ADOPTS Resolution 24-01, evidencing the City’s commitment to coordinate with Coos County and City of North Bend to pursue further comprehensive updates to the CBEMP. City Manager: Nichole Rutherford; Community Development Director: Chelsea Schnabel; City Legal Counsel: Nate McClintock. Ordinance Number 572 and 573 including findings and conclusions in the matter of Record No. 187-23-000165-PLNG were passed and enacted by the CITY COUNCIL on January 10, 2024. Resolution 24-01 was adopted by the CITY COUNCIL on January 10, 2024. Additional meeting information and case related materials may be found online at: