October is Pedestrian Safety Month: Here are safety tips for everyone, Oct. 11

SALEM — Oregon is experiencing a higher number of fatalities on our transportation system for those who are walking or rolling. One step we can take is to remind everyone of the simple things we can do to protect each other. October is Pedestrian Safety Month and a great time to brush up on the basics of keeping everyone safer on our roads, whether you’re commuting to work, going to school or just getting exercise. We highlight pedestrian safety in fall and winter because the days get shorter and the weather creates barriers with its fog, rain and snow. Fatal crashes involving pedestrians are far more likely to take place at night when it’s harder to see. In 2020, 77% of pedestrian fatalities in the U.S. occurred when it was dark out, according to the latest data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In the U.S., pedestrian deaths accounted for 17% of all traffic fatalities in 2020. In Oregon there were 71 pedestrian fatalities, which accounted for 14% of motor vehicle involved traffic fatalities in 2020. At 1.67 deaths per 100,000 people, Oregon ranks as the 23rd highest state in pedestrian fatality rate according to the latest data (NHTSA.gov).While Oregon fell below the national average in 2020, preliminary national and state data suggest an increase in pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries since 2020. Everyone should: Plan ahead to avoid unplanned delays that cause rushed behavior. Know and follow traffic laws. Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to weather and road conditions and drive accordingly. Focus on the task at hand: walking, rolling, biking or driving. Drive, walk, bike or roll sober. Alcohol and drugs impair your abilities and judgment. Driving Tips: Look for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists when you look for oncoming vehicles and other traffic. Be especially mindful in parking lots, at stop signs, and when backing up or parking. Be extra cautious when driving in low visibility conditions, or in places where people normally cross the road, such as parks, schools, shopping areas and busy intersections. Slow down and be prepared to stop when entering a crosswalk — especially in low light conditions. Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and stop well back to give other vehicles an opportunity to see crossing pedestrians. Follow the speed limit. Stay alert in school zones and in neighborhoods where children are present. Check all crosswalks before turning to see if people are trying to cross the road. Stay alert and ditch the distractions: Keep your eyes and ears open and ditch the distractions like texting, talking on the cell phone, or loud music. Ask others in the car to help you drive safely by navigating, looking for people walking, biking, and rolling. Walking and Rolling Tips: Stay alert and ditch the distractions: Keep your eyes and ears open and ditch the distractions like texting, talking on the cell phone, or listening to headphones. Cross with caution and cross at corners: Don’t assume the coast is clear just because you’re using the crosswalk and the WALK sign is on. Continue to watch for traffic as you cross — especially for turning vehicles. Be clear to drivers: If you wish to cross, be sure to place a hand, leg, cane or wheel out to show intent to cross and make eye contact with drivers. If you’re not sure the driver sees you, let the vehicle go first. Be visible: Wear bright clothing (even white clothing may not be visible at night). Add reflective material or a blinking light to your jacket or backpack or carry a flashlight at night. Be extra careful when walking at dawn or dusk. Watch for cars entering or exiting driveways or backing up in parking lots. Face oncoming traffic and use sidewalks when they are available. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible. When possible, cross streets at crosswalks or intersections, where people driving expect pedestrians. Look for cars in all directions, including those turning. If a crosswalk or intersection is not available, find a well-lit area where you have the best view of traffic. Wait for a gap in traffic that allows enough time to safely cross and continue watching for traffic as you cross. Download a pedestrian and driver guidebook, also available in Spanish. You can download additional digital items in English and Spanish help get the word out on pedestrian safety.